FUSE Corps

FUSE is a national nonprofit dedicated to increasing the capacity of local governments to engage communities, advance racial equity, and work more effectively for everyone. We believe, as communities adapt to constantly evolving challenges, that economic advancement and narrowing racial disparities is not only possible, but achievable.FUSE was founded in 2011 by a group of leaders from the public, private, and social sectors. They designed an executive fellowship-based model to accelerate community-based problem-solving.
Our Vision
A country free from the social and economic barriers to opportunities that have been perpetuated by a history of systemic and institutionalized racism.
The right person, in the right place, at the right time.
Our work centers on an Executive Fellowship model that places experienced leaders in local government agencies nationwide. During their year-long fellowship, they work to closely align the public, private, and social sectors to remove barriers and advance solutions to pressing challenges.
We work within government agencies because cities and counties have the power to affect systemic change directly.
Each year, 90% of communities that host FUSE Executive Fellows return with requests for additional fellowship projects.
Careers at FUSE
Think locally, drive change nationally.
The FUSE team is passionate about helping local governments and communities tackle their most entrenched challenges. Our work is guided by our commitment to addressing systemic and institutionalized racism, and expanding social and economic opportunities for entire communities.
Our staff works primarily on a remote basis and we seek colleagues from a wide array of backgrounds who reflect the communities we serve.
Search among FUSE Corps jobs
Jobs: 1 - 10 of 32 |

Building Wealth in Louisville's Underserved Neighborhoods with CDFIs
Louisville, Kentucky
The Louisville-Jefferson County Metro Government (LMG) aims to catalyze economic growth and equity by significantly increasing investment capital inflows from Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) to its underserved and diver...
Job Type | Full Time |

Empowering Small Business Developers and Driving Entrepreneurship
Louisville, Kentucky
The Louisville-Jefferson County Metro Government (LMG) aims to narrow racial wealth gaps by empowering small developers from underserved communities to launch and grow their businesses. The FUSE Executive Fellow will develop and pilot a com...
Job Type | Full Time |

Vice President, Philanthropic Partnerships
FUSE seeks a Vice President of Philanthropic Partnerships to develop the relationships and collaborative ventures that will help enable the organization to double program scale and annual revenue over the next three years. The search for th...
Job Type | Full Time |

Advancing Equity through Integrated Health and Social Services for L.A.'s Unhoused
Los Angeles, California
The Mayor's Office of Homelessness and Community Health in Los Angeles is working to integrate health and social services for unhoused individuals to address historical inequities, improve access to essential care, and reduce homelessness. ...
Job Type | Full Time |

Vice President, Philanthropic Partnerships
FUSE seeks a Vice President of Philanthropic Partnerships to develop the relationships and collaborative ventures that will help enable the organization to double program scale and annual revenue over the next three years. The search for th...
Job Type | Full Time |

Water Management Energy Efficiency
Durham, North Carolina
This project focuses on creating a recommendation and implementation plan for the City of Durham, NC, Water Management Department (DWM) to utilize its Water Treatment and Water Reclamation Facilities to reduce energy use and maintain the af...
Job Type | Full Time |

Strengthening Affordable Homeownership Opportunities through Limited Equity Cooperatives
Washington, D.C.
The District of Columbia (District) is advancing efforts to stabilize and expand Limited Equity Cooperatives (LEC) to address housing inequities, preserve affordable homeownership, and build intergenerational wealth for low-income and BIPOC...
Job Type | Full Time |

Measuring & Advancing Employee Engagement
Los Angeles, California
LA Sanitation and Environment (LASAN) is working to address disparities throughout a large workforce that is diverse both racially and in its working responsibilities and environments. Various aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated in...
Job Type | Full Time |

Leveraging Technology to Modernize Environmental Protection in NYC
New York, New York
New York City's Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is working to roadmap the next 5 years of technology strategy in line with the latest Agency Long-term Vision, and integrate emerging technologies to address operational inefficie...
Job Type | Full Time |

New York, New York
New York City's Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is working to improve internal operations, enhance project efficiency, and optimize resource allocation for better project execution. The FUSE Executive Fellow will work to optimi...
Job Type | Full Time |